1、With anybody's gift. Who'd stoop to blame
2、Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks.(II.2)
3、And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst,
4、As if alive. Will't please you rise? We'll meet
5、The world is a goodly prison; in which there are many confines,wards and dungeons, Denmark being one o' the worst.(II.2)
6、The depth and passion of its earnest glance,
7、—E’en then would be some stooping; and I choose
8、The serpent that did sting thy father's life Now wears his crown.(I.5)
标签:唐诗李白夜宿山寺的解释、唐诗三百首崔郊作品、唐诗 mp3朗读 注解 韵译
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