1、楼兰有个美丽的传说, 当沙漠中的月牙湖变成满月时,无论分别多久 ,相隔多远的人,都一定会再次相遇。
3、who‘s the turtle? Me the turtle!
4、You know,Mako,all those years I spent living in the past.I never really thought about the future.Until now.I never did have very good timing.
5、World before the apocalypse,Where will you choose to die.Here or in the Jaeger?
7、感情这玩意有开始就有结束,有牵手就有分手,且不说有那么多虚情假意的分分合合,就算两个人抵挡住了所有的诱惑,相濡以沫的度过了一生,然后呢,还是有一个人会先走,剩下的那个呢,情何以堪,牵手的甜蜜是短暂的,分手的痛苦那才是永恒的 ,这是人类的宿命。
8、We are the Anti Villain League,an ultra secret organization dedicated to fighting crime on a global scale.Rob a bank? We're not interested. Kill someone? Not our deal.But you want to melt the polar ice caps? Or vaporize Mount Fuji? Or even [points his tea spoon at Gru] steal the moon? Then we notice.
9、We have chosen not only to believe in ourselves,but in each other.
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