2、Red narrating: You could argue he’d done it to curry favor with the guards. Or, mabye make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normanl again, if only for a short while.
6、唐僧在牢里唱歌:“only you 能伴我取西经,only you 能杀妖和除魔,only you 能保护我,教螃蟹和蚌精无法吃我,你本领最大,就是only you,On..only you别怪师父嘀咕,戴上紧箍儿,别怕死别颤抖,背黑锅我来送死你去,拼全力为众生,牺牲也值得,南无阿弥陀佛。”
7、I find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border, I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
8、lai lai
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