1、曾经我以为如来老儿是这个世上最烦的人。 直到我遇到了江流儿。
5、14. Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they’re expecting to be lied to. If someone’s waiting for a lie, you can’t just give them one.
6、8. -They only beat me up because I’m smatter than they are.
7、12. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, Enigma is always smarter. If you really want to solve your puzzle, then you’re going to need all the help you can get, and they are not going to help you if they do not like you.
10、-I’m not going anywhere. I’ve spent entirely too much of my life worried about what you think of me, or what my parents think of me, or the boys in Hut 8 or the girls in Hut 3. And do you know what? I’m done. This is the most important work I will ever do, and no one is going to stop me. Least of all, you.
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