3、Now, as then, a beast approaches.
4、And if these philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve…..
5、Constantly tested, tossed into the wild.
6、He leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march.
7、The way I see it, there are only two possible outcomes. Either I make it down there in one pieceand I have one hell of a story to tell! Or I burn up in the next ten minutes. Either way, whicheverway… no harm, no foul! Because either way, it's going to be one hell of a ride! I'm ready.
10、Do not be coy or stupid, Persian. You can afford neither in Sparta. (Queen)
标签:古诗词大全 苦结尾、小学常见古诗文大全、白居易鸟的诗句古诗大全
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