1、刘弗陵的眼前慢慢变黑,他努力想再多看 一眼云歌,可她在自己的眼中慢慢淡去, 渐渐隐入黑暗。拼尽全力,八荒六合的担心,五湖四海的不舍也只是化作了心底深处,一声无痕的叹息,散入了生生世世的轮回中。
2、In the past few days, I've been learning how to not trust ppl. And I'm glad I failed. Sometimes we depend some ppl as a mirror. To define us. tell us who we are.
4、It took me nearly a year to get here. It wasn't so hard to across that street after all. It all depends on the one you're waiting for on the other side.
5、Cause u can't always win.U can beat players,but u can't beat luck.Sometimes u read them off,u read the person right,but still did wrong thing.
6、在过去的几天里,我一直都在学着不要去相信别人。我很高兴我失败了。有时我们把别人当作一面镜子 去定义自己 去告诉自己“我们是谁”
7、U're so good at reading people.But why i lose?
10、如果我把这些钥匙丢掉 那些门将永远都不会打开
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