1、Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
3、It's not personal,it's business.
6、I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life — I don't apologize — to take care of my family, but I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those big shots. I don't apologize — that's my life — but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the strings. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael. It wasn't enough time.
7、I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.
8、一个提着公文包的律师所抢到的钱比一千个拿着冲锋枪的抢到抢到的钱还要多 。
9、Great men are not born great,they grow great.
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