1、Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.
3、Salvatore:Just that i've always been afraid to come back.And now,after all these years ,I thought I was stronger… that I'd forgottena lot of things. But in fact…I find I'm right backwhere I was…as if I'd never been away.Yet,when I look around ,I don't recognize anyone. And you,Mama…I deserted you.Ran out on you like a banditwithout any explanation.
6、"If you have no faith in me,have faith in what you see."
7、His Mama:I never asked for any.You don't have to explain to me.I always thought it was goodwhat you did.Why harp on it?You were right to leave. You did what you wanted to do.When I call you,a different woman always answers.But I never heard in any of their voices… that they really loved you. I would've known. All the same ,I'd have liked to see you settled… Loving someone. But your life is there. Here there are only ghosts. Let go,Toto.
8、Get out of here. Go back to Rome.You're young...the world is yours. And I'm old.
9、He acknowledge that whatever neuroses drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compounded.他知道无论是什么神经机能病变导致的最初犯罪都是复杂的。了不起的盖茨比经典台词
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