1、当你离开之后 所有记忆中留下的事情只是组成了另一个人的生活
2、We’re going to graduate and then go our separate ways.我们即将毕业,然后各奔东西
3、For i threw these keys away,and those doors will be closed forever.
4、Things happened,time happened.It's always been the case more or less.
7、I don’t want to go to Heaven, I want to go to the bank and cash a GODDAMN CHECK!我可不想进天国,我想进银行,直接刷受谩骂的卡!
8、In the past few days, I've been learning how to not trust ppl. And I'm glad I failed. Sometimes we depend some ppl as a mirror. To define us. tell us who we are.
10、How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagin living without?
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