2、如果你爱一个人 ,你会了解她的一切,而不需要问她;如果你不爱一个人,即使她告诉你她的一切,你也还是会忘记的。
3、If you love a girl, it's better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness.
6、It's not us to choose the opportunity, but it's opportunity that decides us. When the opportunity comes, all we can do is to take this challenge. Don't say that opportunities never come. It came but u just don't willing to give up the things u own.
8、If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
9、爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的 幸福而努力。
10、我突然就觉得自己 像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵 我的哪怕一举手一投足。
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