1、因为他不要搭飞机 所以我们没搭飞机。
2、Lucy: Daddy, did God made for you to be like this or was it an accident?
4、Guy: Okay,now you can look.盖:行了,你可以看了。(小伊看到脚下的鞋子,尖叫起来) Eep:Huh! I love them! But where are my feet?小伊:啊!!!我好喜欢!!那我的脚呢? Guy: They‟re still there.盖(慌忙说):脚还在。
5、I‟m calling it a brain. I‟m pretty sure it‟s where ideas come from.盖:我把这个叫做“大脑”,点子都是从这个地方来的。
6、I'm waiting for you in the future.
7、Mark: Nothing. Then, when the tension becomes too much to bear, you finally, finally, you just say: "How about it, then?"
8、Charlie: That's good. Come on! Susanna, why'd you let him get in this car? It's not a toy.
9、this loud. We do this as a family, and never not be afraid!瓜哥:排成早餐队形!都拿点穴居人的样子出来,我们动作要快,我们声音要响,我们要齐 心协力,还有永远不要不害怕。
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