1、And each reflection makes me like myself a little more
2、And now it's completely unwatchable
5、Ennis Del Mar: I"m gonna tell you this one time, Jack fuckin" Twist, an" I ain"t foolin". What I don"t know - all them things I don"t know - could get you killed if I come to know them. I mean it.
6、We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering -- these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love -- these are what we stay alive for.
7、从小到大,不管发生什么伤心难过的事,我还是会兴冲冲地等待第二天的到来,对我来说,明天,总是光明的。可是……可是这一回,我一想到要与你道别,我就好害怕听到时钟滴滴答答的声音。如果是三个月前,我早就一口答应了,可是现在,我想告诉三个月前的自己:你不可以到海的对岸去唷!因为你将会碰到一个很好很好的人,那个人会很爱你的,他的名字叫做……永尾完治…… ——赤名莉香
8、To be a sailor of the world bound for all ports.
相关:辛弃疾的墓志铭、谜底辛弃疾、辛弃疾很忙、长安辛弃疾、辛弃疾破阵子的解析、金陵辛弃疾、辛弃疾 过南剑双溪楼、辛弃疾 西、辛弃疾旧时、辛弃疾晚年词
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