2、But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
3、And I will come again, my luve,
4、She walks in beauty like the night
5、Or softly lightens o'er her face;
6、For auld lang syne.
7、The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
8、In the howling storm
9、Tho'it were ten thousand mile!四、旧日时光(友谊地久天长)
10、She walks in beauty like the night
相关:七律军威颂、陶渊明七律古诗、七律小雨、饱经 七律、七律白杨、冷门七律、康宁福寿七律、杜牧 七律、石磨七律、七律能堪
秋兴八首其四杜甫翻译 11-18
归燕不独避霜雪杜甫注音版 11-18
曲江二首杜甫其一的翻译 11-18
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倦夜杜甫竹凉倦字怎么体现 11-18
杜甫的一句诗无 云出塞 11-18
月杜甫四更山吐月鉴赏 11-18
戏为六绝句其二唐杜甫翻译 11-18
曲江二首唐杜甫粤语版 11-18
杜甫的赠卫八处士答案 11-18