2、I wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed, and I wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart.
3、初筵木槿芳 【唐】韩翃 《送李明府赴连州》
4、And I crave for a few moments of quiet, silent meditation in the morning of this day.
5、I wish that this day could bring me a sight of the eternal hills, and the blue sea stretching to the horizon, and of something beautiful which the hands of men have made.
6、悟世幻化,木槿之谢 【宋】释正觉 《禅人并化主写真求赞》
8、I wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed, and I wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart.
9、二、 好姐妹,是不需要对不起与谢谢。
标签:扼北道古文翻译、晚霞晚霞在古文中、揠苗助长 古文阅读答案
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