1、Dr. Foreman: When you break into a house, its always better to have a white chick with you.
4、Dr. Cameron: Exactly. Except for the “date” part.
5、Le Claire: this is a quintet chords, claremont, Matthew. 勒克莱克:这是五重奏和弦,克莱蒙特·马修 作。
6、House: Nothing I could say is going to change how you feel, and nothing could come out of your reaction that is going to change what I plan to do. So I prefer to say nothing.
7、House: Your lips say no, but your shoes say yes.
8、Every heart need love, need to be gentle, generous, need to understand. Every child comes from the pure innocence of place, never should be the very cherish the treasure.
9、Dan's Mother: How can you just sit there?my son is going to die
10、Chabert is dragging Meng Dan will punish him) (夏伯特正拖着孟丹即将惩罚他)
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