

时间:2024-07-02 鄞问芙 来源:句子网名




1、The thing is ,you don’t have to. I’mwith you to the end of the line,pal.


3、It’s been so long.So long.Well,I couldn’t leave my best girl.Notwhen she owes me a dance.

4、We can't afford any distractions!

5、This whole purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned.

6、What is it?For as long as I can remember,I justwanted to do what was right. I guess I’m not quite sure what that is anymore.And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders.Serve.It’sjust not the same.

7、Stop lying.I only act like I knoweverything,Rogers.

8、uper-cool stuff you wouldn't understand.

9、First rule of going on the run is don’trun,walk.If I run in these shoes,they’re gonna fall off .

10、Can I help you guys with anything?Oh,no. My fiancé was just helping mewith some honeymoon destinations.Right.We’re getting married.Congratulations.Where are you guysthinking about going?New Jersey.


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