1、One day more! Watch’em run amuck. Catch’em as they fall. Never know your luck when there’s a free-for-all. Here a little dip. There a little touch. Most of them are goners so they won’t miss much!
2、Captain Miller: All of them.
3、Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reword. And if they fall, as Lucifer fell. The flame! The sword! Stars in your multitudes! Scarce to be counted. Filling the darkness with order and light. You are the sentinels. Silent and sure! Keeping watch in the night. Keeping watch in the night! You know your place in the sky. You hold your course and your aim! And each in your season returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall, as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames! And so it must be, for so it is written on the door way toParadise, that those who falter and those who fall must pay the price!
7、如果时光可以倒流 我还是会选择认识你 虽然会伤痕累累 但是心中的温暖记忆是谁都无法给与的 谢谢你来过我的世界
8、Captain Miller: Private, I'm afraid I have some bad news for ya. Well, there isn't any real easy way to say this, so, uh, so I'll just say it. Your brothers are dead. We have, uh, orders to come get you, 'cause you're going home.
10、Rutledge:Source Code is not time travel.Rather,Source Code is time reassignment.
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