1、for the Nobel Prize would have been secret.
3、-Hansen: John, I'll talk to the department.
5、But after a lifetime of such pursuits,
6、-Princeton Student A: Thanks, Professor.
7、I would have thought the nominations...
8、Alicia:God must be a painter.Why else would we have so many colors?
9、I just choose not to acknowledge them.
10、I lost my family. I lost everything. I surrender. What do you want?
相关:宋词宴清都、宋词深处作文、关于天使宋词、猫的宋词、宋词精选翻译、宋词 御街行、柳永宋词三百首、古诗宋词伤感、宋词沁园春爱国、宋词诗句精选
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