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罗 古诗词

《罗 古诗词》

摘抄句子网网小编为大家整理的罗 古诗词句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

罗 古诗词

1、I submit that a violation of conscience tells him it was an unjust law, and he is willing to accept the prison penalty, to arouse the conscience of the society to realize that is not justice. In fact, he showed the highest respect for the law.


3、You know, one day, we"ll be free.




7、We will regret this generation, not because of bad people"s disgusting words and deeds, but also because of the silence of the good people.

8、The ultimate measure of a man is not in the moment of comfort, but in the times of challenge and controversy.

9、Means are represented in the form of the ideal and the purpose of the people, the people can not through the evil means to achieve a better goal. Because the seed is the seed and the object is the tree.



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