1、What's is magic?Magic is deception.But deception designed to delight,to entertain,to inspire.It isabout belief,faith,trust.Without those qualities,magic,as art form,would no longer exist.Butwhat happens if these qualities are not used for their higher purpose?And instead they're usedto cheat,lie.For personal gain or for greed.Then it's no longer magic.It's crime.
3、Because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and at the same time, terrified.
4、Peter,I know things have been difficult lately,and I am sorry about that.I thing I know what you are feeling.Ever since you were a little boy.You have been living with so many unresolved things.Well,take it from an old man.Those things send us down the road.And make us who we are.And if anyone’s destined for greatness,it’s you,my son.You owe the world your gifts,you just have to figure out how to use them.And know that wherever they take you ,we’ll always be here.So come home, peter.You are my hero and I love you.
5、whatever comes away,whatever better way have ranging asides, we always have a choice.My friend harry told me that: He choice to be the best himself.It's the choices make us we are and we can always choice to do what's right
8、My job?To take that most precious of gifts you give me,your attention,and use it against you.
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