首页 > 明星 > Kavana

Kavana 演员


  • 出生日期:
  • 出生地点:英国曼彻斯特
  • 国       籍:英国
  • 人物信息:

Kavana最新动态 UPDATE





When Kavana was 16, he Stole £50 From His Mum -

"I spent most of it on stupid things like rulers"

If He Had SuperNatural Powers:

"I'd Be Called SuperKav and I'd be able to Hypnotise people on the spot. They's have to do Exactly what I wanted!

When he was 13 he:

"Had a really bad crush on a girl. I bought her a card saying 'You Give Me the Horn!' I Though I was being clever because 'Horn' was her surname, but her mum saw it and complained to the head mistress!"

Kav Has Said:

"i'm not a puppet - I just make music that i love"

Kav On His Ex - Manager:

"He'd only really managed Take That and I don't

think he really understood that it was a musical thingy with me, rahter than just a cheeky-chappy-next-door thing"

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