1、Will you tell me the stories behind those other keys?
3、Roy: I think so, I think so, for the rest of my life.
4、Roy:Can you dout the outcome?
5、from Manchester England
7、for me it's like my diary
8、Roy:I know ,a marvelous setation.
9、Myra:It brole open twice yesterday.Oh, Kitt,what time is it?
10、It's been in a lousy mood these past few days
相关:诗词 花影、关于红花的诗词、经典古诗词名名、赞牡丹古诗词、山城诗词、仙山诗词、盗用诗词的小说、带咏的古诗词、有珠的诗词、良辰美景 诗词
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