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陆游 橙

《陆游 橙》

句子网络女生网小编为大家整理的陆游 橙句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

陆游 橙

1、It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou.There was a million sparkles on the river..就像太阳在落山前映射在河口上,有无数的亮点在闪闪发光。(GUMP是如此浪漫、唯美,他的心底是怎样的完美,因为他眼睛里看到的是如此完美)


3、Sometimes we all do things that, just don’t make no sense. 是啊!

4、If there is anything you need I will not be far away.用情至专!(是他在JENY坟前说的)

5、Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!

6、army’s value=loyalt,duty, respect,selfless service,honor,ivtegrity,pessonal courage .每个单词的首个字母连起来就是LDRSHIP=leadship.美国军人的七项素质。(全部做到了你就具有leadship了)

7、没有毫无道理的横空出世,没有大量的积累和感悟,是不会把事情做好的。 只有不停的进取,才能够不丢人。



10、I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.


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