1、刘弗陵。是你亲口对她说的,天之涯。海之角。山之巅。相随 相随
2、Even in death our love goes on.我们的爱至死不渝。
4、Mum took me to the park on the weekends,she said if i were to get lost,i stay in one place,so she find me.
5、People say I love you all the time, it doesn’t mean anything.人们总把“我爱你”挂在嘴边,可那每每心口不一。
6、J: For my observations, sometimes it's better of not knowing. And other times there's no reason to be found
10、How do u say goodbye to someone u can't even imagine leaving without.I didn't say goodbye,I didn't say ath.I just walked away,and in the end of that night,I decided to take the longest way to across the street.
相关:杜甫什么之孙、杜甫的初冬翻译、提封杜甫阅读、即事赏析杜甫、杜甫作九日、杜甫草屋的诗句、杜甫登高中 通过、唐 杜甫《归雁》、杜甫诗漫兴、完溪沙 杜甫
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