2、对我们来说只是耗一晚 可是对那孩子而言可能会没命。
4、Let's go over it again. - We've been over it again.
5、You're lucky you're still breathing, let alone able to walk.l suggest you take full advantage of that fact.You took your time.
6、This white shite steals my things,and thinks that he can sell it back to me!He's got less brains than you, Lenny!the greasy wop. . . Greek bastard round here now.lf he's still stupid enough to be on this planet.
7、你必不怕黑夜的惊骇 或是白日飞的箭,也不怕黑夜行的瘟疫 或是午间…
8、Do you want in on this deal or don't you?
9、But what better place for a miracle tohappen than in the City of God?
10、所以想要阻止这一切 就必须先揭露这一切。
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