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6 古诗一句

《6 古诗一句》

文艺句子网网小编为大家整理的6 古诗一句句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

6 古诗一句

1、I am only afraid of losing you. I feel you’re gonna disappear.

2、Pumpkin: Fucking-A right, it worked. That's what I'm saying. Knucklehead walks into a bank with a telephone! Not a pistol, not a shotgun, but a fucking phone. Cleans the place out, doesn't even lift a fucking finger.


4、I don’t have th strength to stay away from you anymore.


6、He looks at you like…like you’re something to eat. (Mike)


8、And you will know my name is the lord when i lay my vengeance upon thee.


10、Bella:It doesn't matter.


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