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功劳 苦劳 古文

《功劳 苦劳 古文》

句子迷官网网小编为大家整理的功劳 苦劳 古文句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

功劳 苦劳 古文


2、Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk fought for William Wallace.He fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it's tearing me apart .


4、Robert the Bruce: I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk fought for William Wallace.He fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it's tearing me apart .

5、William Wallace's father: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.







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