1、Sorry.I'm sorry,Lucy in the sky.
2、我只是想听你说我们之间没结束 我的意思是。
3、Something that's at the top of a coat and attached to the coat
4、fabulous and exciting bonus prizes.
5、Grug: Painting is a thing of the past. I call this a „snapshot‟.瓜哥(将泥土抹在坦克脸上):壁画已经过时了,我把这个叫做“快拍”。(说完拿起一块 板状石头拍向坦克的脸,石板上印上了坦克的脸) Thunk: Let‟s do it again. I think I blinked.坦克:在拍一次吧,我刚才眨眼了。(说完昏倒在地) Grug:I call them ’shades’. 瓜哥(继续给众人展示自己的点子,拿起一块短的长木板):我把这个叫做“遮光镜”。
6、John wanted totry new things.And it wasn't Yoko's fault.Annie says you can hear it on The White Album.
7、Guy: She jumped on the sun and rode it to Tomorrow.盖:它跳上太阳,骑着它去了明天。(瓜哥在后面看到很生气)
8、For my eyes only.W-A-R. Gonna tear you apart.
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