




1、Private Reiben: You want to explain the math of this to me? I mean, where's the sense in risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy?


3、Who is this man? What sort of devil is he? To have me caught in a trap, and choose to let me go free? It was his hour at last to put a seal on my fate! Wipe out the past and wash me clean off the slate! All it would take was a flick of his knife! Vengeance was his and he gave me back my life! Damned if I live in the debt of a thief! Damned if I yield at the end of the chase! I am the law, and the law is not mocked! I’ll spit his pity right back in his face! There is noting on earth that we share! It is either Valjean or Javert!


5、I am reaching, but I fall. And the stars are black and cold. As I stare into the void of a world that can not hold. I’ll escape now from that world, from the world of Jean Valjean. There is nowhere I can turn. There is no way to go on!

6、There was a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft, and their words inviting. There was a time when love was blind, and the world was a song, and the song was exciting! There was a time, then it all want wrong.






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