




1、A few years ago I had a dream,it began in summer,and over by the following spring.In between there were many unhappy night and there were happy days.Most take place in this cafe.And one night,the door slamed down and the dream is over.

2、He made plans,have dreams and running marathon in this country started in NewYork.

3、刘弗陵。是你亲口对她说的,天之涯。海之角。山之巅。相随 相随

4、I am willing to pay for everything, so the only contact with you once again! 我乐意支付统统,只求能再次打仗你一次!


6、It takes me nearly a year to get here.It won't be so hard to across that street after all.It depends on who is waiting for u on the other side.



9、When u're gone,all behind is the memory he created for another people' life,or just account items on the bill?

10、How do u say goodbye to someone u can't even imagine leaving without.I didn't say goodbye,I didn't say ath.I just walked away,and in the end of that night,I decided to take the longest way to across the street.


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